Support for Local Installations

Are you running MDID3 on a local server at your institution?  You can get help through an annual support contract.

All support is email-based, with a turnaround time of one business day. Support contracts cover an unlimited amount of support calls for one year.

Regular Support Agreement

You can use a support call to get help with any of these and many other issues:

  • Installation of MDID
  • Migration from MDID2 to MDID3
  • Integration into your local infrastructure (for example, user authentication)
  • Customization or programming questions
  • Help with content upload and import

The fee for the regular support agreement is $1,999 per year.

Extended Support Agreement

The extended support agreement includes everything from the regular support agreement, plus one remote installation or upgrade of your MDID installation.

This plan is for you if you are confident with regular system maintenance throughout the year, but do not want to spend extra time to get into the details of upgrading the MDID application itself.

The fee for the extended support agreement is $2,999 per year.

Fees are subject to change.